
7841-creek-webI once read somewhere that New Mexico has less surface water area per capita than any other state in the Union. Much of that is stored artificially behind huge concrete dams, some built prior to statehood. This happened at the expense of extensive wetland and riparian areas, as well as towns, croplands and even cemeteries. According to the National Wetlands Inventory, New Mexico has lost about half of its natural wetland resources.  That’s about the same as Arizona.  Half is bad enough, but it is, luckily, far, far less than California, which has lost 92 per cent of its wetlands.

What portion of New Mexico’s remaining wetlands are salvageable, and how could we do that? Why bother anyway? What good are wetlands? Can I use my bare hands to restore an ailing wetland, or is heavy equipment essential? Might anybody want to help me? Why would they want to do that?

As with children, it takes a village to raise a wetland.  This blog is all about raising wetlands. Continue reading